
McCARTHY FAMILY | Cherry Blossom Session in Madison Wisconsin

July 27, 2023

Spring Madison, Wisconsin Family Session with Cherry Blossoms

As a photographer, there’s nothing quite like capturing the magic of family moments. When the Gleason family reached out to me for a photo session at the UW-Arboretum Cherry Blossoms in Madison, Wisconsin, I knew it would be a special day.

As I set up my equipment amidst the stunning cherry blossom trees, I eagerly awaited the arrival of the Gleason family. They arrived right on time, and my heart melted when I saw them together. The parents had a warm glow of love in their eyes, and their 2.5-year-old daughter was a bundle of curiosity, hiding a hint of shyness. Cradled in her mother’s arms was their 2-month-old son, calm and content.

We started off slowly, allowing their daughter to get comfortable in the surroundings. It didn’t take long for the cherry blossoms to work their magic on her, and her shyness gradually faded away. With every step she took, her giggles filled the air, creating an atmosphere of pure joy. It was contagious, and soon enough, we were all laughing together.

A Magical Madison Family Photo Session: Capturing Joy and Love Amongst the Cherry Blossoms
Madison Family Session in Cherry Blossoms
Madison Family Session in Cherry Blossoms
Madison Family Session in Cherry Blossoms
Madison Family Session in Cherry Blossoms

One of the most heartwarming moments of the session was witnessing the sibling bond unfold before my lens.

The little girl was absolutely enamored with her baby brother. She showered him with affectionate glances and gentle touches, and he responded with the sweetest smiles that could melt anyone’s heart. It was a testament to the beautiful sibling connection that grows stronger with time.

As we strolled through the arboretum, we discussed their favorite family activities. They shared their love for exploring local parks and libraries in their neighborhood. It was evident that these simple yet meaningful moments brought them closer together as a family.

The entire experience left me with a heart full of gratitude for the opportunity to freeze these cherished memories in time. The magic of the Madison cherry blossoms and the Gleason family’s love and laughter. Creating a perfect photo session I’ll forever hold dear.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned as a family photographer. It’s that there’s nothing more beautiful than capturing genuine moments of joy, love, and togetherness.

The Gleason family’s session at the UW-Arboretum Cherry Blossoms was a testament to the beauty of family bonds. And the importance of savoring the little moments that make life truly extraordinary. It was an honor to be a part of their journey. And I look forward to witnessing many more magical moments for families in Madison and beyond.

A Magical Madison Family Photo Session: Capturing Joy and Love Amongst the Cherry Blossoms
A Magical Madison Family Photo Session: Capturing Joy and Love Amongst the Cherry Blossoms
Madison Family Session in Cherry Blossoms
A Magical Madison Family Photo Session: Capturing Joy and Love Amongst the Cherry Blossoms
Madison Family Session in Cherry Blossoms