
Bearded Nation / Personal Project

March 20, 2015

It all started with a nervous girl among hundreds of talented photographers who gave herself a goal to talk to strangers and take their picture. When I looked around and saw all these good-looking bearded men, a light bulb went off in my head. I am not the greatest at talking to people I don’t know, I stutter like a fool and fidget. People think just because I have worked in the restaurant industry and bartender for over 10 years that I am great at talking to people. Yes I am great at chatting with people about mundane things, but when it comes to opening myself up and being vulnerable – I stutter a whole lot.

But when I first met Obi – a talented man who makes scents from nature – I grew my confidence. Bu …. that kind of died a little and I got shyer. I told as many people as I could so they could push me – so on the last night my roommates pushed me towards the awesome man James and his rad beard. It went from there, and it was sooo much fun! I photographed all the bearded men that I could find on the beach that night. Some only had scruff that they said was because of laziness – and others said their full beard was also because of laziness. I adored each of their beards that they admitted to hating – I even gave some advice on how to get your beard to stop itching and keep healthy. After a bit I was known as the Beard Lady with the Nikon. This made me giggle, but I thought it was pretty awesome.

I made a little slideshow of the guys I met on the beach with ending with a guy that I missed but road to the airport with. Please don’t mind the cheesy music, but the hardest part of this is that I couldn’t pin point a song to how awesome the thing was to me. I want to thank all the awesome guys that allowed me to photograph them, and put up with my stuttering.

If you or your hubby/boyfriend/friend or sibling has a beard, please get in touch with me today to get in on the action


Oh my gosh this is amazing

It was pretty amazing – I had so much fun meeting those awesome guys!